Sunday, July 31, 2011

Psalm 96- Nature sings

The Lord is so worthy of our praise and gratitude for who He is and the salvation that He has offered. The psalmist encourages us to look for ways to recognize God's greatness then to sing about it and bring offerings to Him. Nature is full of things that bring glory to God. Have you been to a body of water lately? You can look and the water is beautiful and powerful. There is a whole world of activity below the surface that is happening that we are totally unaware of and barely able to fully grasp. It teaches me of the importance of having faith in the unseen. The fields are amazing at the crops that will grow from a tiny seeds to full lush plants that produce multiple fruits that provide food that can sustain life. Each fruit produces many more seeds in order to do it all over again next year. It teaches me that God can turn small seemingly dead things into great living and purposeful things. The trees of the forest sing and rustle with joy. Their roots continually grow and spread seeking water and nutrients to help its trunk and leaves grow strong upwards towards the sun soaking in its light in order to thrive. It teaches me how we need to live by the spirit to flourish. Look for new ways this week that nature gives glory to God and have it teach you something about His greatness.

Psalm 96 Questions -

1. Do you have new songs to sing or has your testimony of his marvelous deeds become dated? Do you receive new mercies daily and proclaim and experience the joy of his salvation?

2. Who have you told of God's greatness lately? Do you give Him the glory?

3. What idols are competing for your attention?

4. What offerings do you bring God. Do you give him your priority or your left over time? Do you serve Him only when it is convenient and easy?

5. How do you contribute to the spread of the gospel in your community? Globally?

6. How does nature glorify God and reflect his character?

7. When the Lord comes to judge the earth, what will be your verdict?

8. How ill you measure to God's standard of righteousness and truth?

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