Thursday, July 14, 2011

Psalm 60 - Latched

We rented a cabin last week for a vacation. The kids were running around exploring the cabin's nooks and crannies. The doors handles were latches that were difficult to open so my husband Jared warned our four year old daughter Brooke not to shut the door. Of course she slammed it in Jared's face and in the face of his warning. She thought she was capable of getting herself out of the situation and did not heed the warning. Sound familiar in your own life? Well the story continues that she could not reopen the door and became hysterical banging on the door and crying. Jared allowed it to play out for a while as she wailed about her loving her family and wanting to be with us and she even encouraged Jared to go get the hammer she had spotted at a different point in the house to break the door down. Sometimes it takes situations that seem out of control and hopeless to throw our hands up in the air and ask for help. When we stop crying and start trusting we can listen for His loving voice that will give us the appropriate steps to remove us from our situation. When we stop trying to open the door ourselves and stop suggesting to God what He should do for us, like go get a hammer to smash our opponent, we can step back out of the way and let him swing it open widely to free us and embrace us in His forgiving and capable arms. God promises to always be faithful to us, even when we are unfaithful to Him. He promises to open the door even when we slam it in His face. Is there a situation that seems out of control that you are crying out for deliverance from. Maybe you need to settle down, obey His instructions, and let Him open the door His way.

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