Monday, July 4, 2011

Psalm 44 - Through Thick and Thin

Psalm 44 Questions-

1. Is there a parent or spiritual mentor that could share stories of God's faithfulness to encourage you?

2. What are the bows and swords of your life that you depend on? Money, power, position, good looks, reputation, talent, technology, friends, family, or spouse?

3. Do you feel defeated even though you did everything right? Did you do something you know was God's will but it seemed to fail? Is there any Old Testament stories you can read to remind you that God redeems failures.

4. How was this passaged used in Romans 8? What point was Paul trying to make to the Romans?

5. Do you stay loyal to God even if it seems He hasn't been loyal to you? Do you only stick with God through the thick and reject Him in the thin?

6. Do you ever feel like God owes you for your good behavior? Why does God redeem us at all?

7. Are there any attacks on you, your church or Christians in general that God has seemed to hide his face from? Why does He let enemies have victories?

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