Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Psalm 88 - hands up

Sometimes we grasp so tightly to control that we won't loosen our hands up enough to fold them in prayer. Sometimes God has to put us in the lowest pit so we can't climb out on our own strength, or overwhelm us with waves to the point of drowning so we don't think we swam out of the storm by our own talents or remove our closest friends and family so our identity and love isn't dependent on them. We are confined and low with grief so that we can't escape on our own cleverness. But as we call out daily, sometimes minute by minute with outstretched hands we can experience the saving power of God because He is our only source of help. Verse 13 says to cry out for help in the morning, set your prayers before you get going your own way in your own day. Before your feet even hit the ground from the bed in the morning try giving your day to Him. Thank Him for who he is and ask Him for His face to shine upon you today, for eyes that search for him and a heart that seeks His will for you that day. Repeat your prayer throughout the day as many time as necessary but at least start off on the right foot by releasing your hand off the controls.
Psalm 88 Questions -
1. Do you cry out to God day and night? Or do you just cry out to Him on Sunday mornings or in major crisis?
2. What troubles your soul? What things about the world upset you? Which verses upset you or do you wish you could gloss over?
3. Why does God put us in pits, waves, remove friends or confine us?
4. Are you helping making His wonders known in the darkness? Which unsaved friends or group do you feel called to share his righteous deeds in your life with?
5. Can you recall a time when loneliness was your closest friend? How did God see you through that time, what did He teach you? Could your friendliness to a stranger be that light that pierces their darkness today?

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