Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Psalm 51 Create in me a clean heart

I vividly remember singing the hymn in church "Create in me a clean heart...O God. And renew a right spirit within me." Did you sing a long? What a reminder Psalm 51 is that God looks at our heart. His word says that He does not delight in sacrifice nor does he take pleasure in burnt offerings...but He wants a broken spirit...a broken and contrite heart. I looked up contrite and dictionary.com explains it to be sincere remorse. Really looking at the sins in our heart and bringing them to the feet of Jesus--asking him for true forgiveness.
* Who might you need to ask for forgiveness? It takes true humility to go to that person and acknowledge that you were wrong and to say sorry. Even as I'm typing this I am realizing I need to ask my Mom and husband for forgiveness. Ouch. My prideful heart wants to win and be right--I know--I need a savior. I am thankful today that God will and does create a clean heart in me...and renews my spirit.

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