Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Psalm 46 - MIghty big choice

God is mighty to save and mighty to destroy.

Depending on your choice in life Jesus will be your Savior or God will be your destroyer. This psalm helps us understand that the same voice that ushered in the creation of the world can also melt it with a word. When we depend on God for our strength and refuge we have nothing to fear. Does it feel like your world is crumbling in around you? Are you being dependent on God or things to save you? Ask God to reveal areas in your life that aren't secure in HIm and to still your fears.

1. Why is it important to realize God is our refuge AND strength?

2. What does it mean that God is ever-present? If this is true, why do things go 'wrong'?

3. What do you fear? What makes you feel stable on this earth? Fill in the blank: "I don't know what I'd do if _________ (happened)"

4. What is mighty and strong in your life? What would you do if your health, beauty, marriage, job, bank account, computer, or kids crumbled? In order to be saved, what might need to be lost or destroyed in your life?

5. Do you have a dream or plan for your life that is so concrete it isn't flexible to God's will for your life?

6. How does verse 5 encourage you? How could you use it to encourage a friend?

7. What does it mean to worship the Lord Almighty and the God of Jacob?

8. What does "be still" mean in verse 10? How do you "be still" in the midst of chaos? When are you still in a day? Is that time before God or before the TV or a glass a wine or the computer or a book or before a bowl of ice-cream. What things do you use to escape and take a break?

9. Is your safety reliant on God or things? We use car seats and seat belts, live in safe neighborhoods with locked doors, we have dogs and alarms and live in a safe nation with big bombs. How do we use those things but not rely on those things ultimate security?

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