Monday, July 18, 2011

Psalm 63 What do you want?

When is the last time you felt fully satisfied? I think we have glimpses of satisfaction every day--only to be followed by deep desires of want. I can be fully satisfied after a Thanksgiving meal...only to eat again in a few hours when that feeling has left. As if I am afraid of feeling hungry! We bought a new bed a few weeks ago and I was fully satisfied with it all...and then I started looking around the room and thinking I need this picture or that rug. I can be at work and get an amazing compliment from my boss and feel satisfied...but then I get a phone call from an angry parent and that satisfaction is out the door. We can feel temporary satisfaction from our friends, husbands, children, etc...but isn't it fleeting?
See how quickly the worlds satisfactions come and go?
Psalm 63 is all about feeling satisfied in the Lord. Vs. 3 "Because your love is better than life," vs. 5 "My soul will be satisfied...". I don't know about you but I am looking forward to the day when I am satisfied FOREVER. I'm tired of my wants and needs that constantly over shadow eternal significance. The daily grind of not feeling satisfied leads us to all kinds of sin. I get upset that my husband didn't clean up this room or deal with the kids the way I would have--and I react out of anger or disgust. I easily get my feelings hurt when I don't feel satisfied with a friend or loved one and I react with a prideful comment or anything that will make me sound better. Ugh. Can we just be satisfied in the Lord today? Quiet your hearts and lift up a prayer--pray that God will be your satisfaction today. Not your kids, husbands, friends, jobs, homes, etc. Focus on the sweet thought that one day--we WILL be fully satisfied in eternity and never have another want again! Amen.

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