Friday, July 22, 2011

Psalm 76 - Perspective

A lot of us in the group have been working on seeing our lives through God's eyes and with perspective on life in the light of eternal matters and God's way. Reading verses about God causing trails, his anger, that He is to be feared and then in this chapter about how His wrath against men brings praise starts to seem harsh. We would rather stick to the psalms about cute sheep and pretty nature. In verse 12 it says that God breaks the spirit of rulers. If you read that and think oh good Obama has it coming then reread it and examine your own life. Are you still trying to control things in your life? Do you want to rule your kids, your husband, your talents, your friends, your finances, your house, your time, your schedule? Sometimes we think Satan is out to get us but sometimes it really might be God trying to get our attention, to slow us down, to remind us we aren't little rulers and kings of this earth we are sheep in need of our Shepherd. I do believe Satan is real and is out to get us but I think sometimes his stuff shows up a little sweeter. His things are sugar coated, easy and distracting us from knowing and being dependent on God. Carla helped me see last Wednesday that it doesn't matter as much where a trial is coming from or why but it comes down to how we react to it. So it is not understanding the why of a situation it is about our response to the situation. Do we praise Him in the storm, do we lay down our crowns and scepters to His rule in our life, do we cry for help and take refuge in the shadow of His wings? We won't understand His grace until we understand how in need of it we are. I don't know why you are in your present circumstance but I know that His motivation is love and for your good not harm. So trust Him today and see the perspective from His way.
Psalm 76 Questions -
1. Is God's name great in our nation? How do we practically promote the name and fame of God in our nation? Do boycott businesses or media that defiles God's name? Do you vote for politicians with an open faith? Are you fighting for His name in the public sector?
2. How does wrath bring God praise?
3. Do you promise things? Is it worse to make a promise and break it or to not promise it at all?
4. Can you keep a commitment? Do you rearrange your commitments based on what is best for you or for others? Do you bail out when things become inconvenient or something better comes up? Is your time more valuable than others?
5. Are you still trying to rule your life. What areas do you need to lay down your crown? Is He breaking your spirit somewhere? Do you fear Him more than anything else? Where might He be leading you today?

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