Thursday, June 30, 2011

Psalm 32 - Secrets, secrets

"Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets hurt someone." This is a little poem I sing to the kids to encourage them to live their emotions out in the open. Secrets not only could hurt someone's feelings but a secret can hurt the keeper the most. When David kept a secret, an unconfessed sin, he felt as if his bones were wasting away. His internal support and strength was rotting away. He felt the weight of guilt and was sapped of strength like a day in the hot sun. If you have a secret that you are starting to crumble under the weight of, tell it to the Lord, take the steps to confess, seek forgiveness and repent. Maybe you aren't holding on to the big secrets but the little ones. Think of all the things you cover up. Zits, love handles, that your marriage is struggling, that you don't like someone in your social group, that your credit is maxed, that you yell at your kids when no one else is around, that your jealous of her house, husband, job, etc, or that you actually can't stand serving in the nursery but you don't want the other moms to think you don't help out. Little secrets left unconfessed can easily rot you from the inside out or cause big secrets to happen. Take a moment to inventory your secrets and confess them to the Lord. Pain is an indicator that something is wrong so welcome guilt before you get disciplined like an unruly horse who needs a bit and bridle to be guided. Psalm 32 gives very practical and proactive advice on how to stay protected from a secret's hold and to follow the ways of the Lord.
Psalm 32 Questions -
1. Are your sins forgiven and covered? Why can't sins just be forgiven, why do they have to be covered too?
2. Do you keep score when someone wrongs you? How many times does a friend have to tick you off before you write her off? Have you impatiently said stuff like, "if you do that one more time, how many times do I have to tell you?" How many times do you want God to cut you slack for a repeat offense? How many times to we offer that type of graciousness to others?
3. Why do you think David encourages the godly to pray before it is too late?
4. Do you have a decision to make? trick question, of course you do. We are constantly making decisions. In verse 8 God says I WILL instruct, teach, counsel and watch over you in the way you should go. That is a promise I WILL stand on!
5. God loves surrounds. Past, present and future. He goes ahead and he's got your back. How can you live more authentically with that type of love surrounding and protecting you? What secret can you trust to share with others knowing you are surrounded by His unfailing love and forgiveness?
6. In what situations do you think it is okay to only seek forgiveness from the Lord and not the victim of your offense?
7. Do you think it is better to torture yourself with a kept secret than hurt the victim of the offense with the truth?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

psalm 31 - Worthless Idols

Pastor Joe preaches often about idols. And it's probably because we are like dumb sheep who keep keep leaving the shepherd. We think it's better somewhere else or easier to trust another idol. When we put today's idols first in our lives, we cannot expect God's spirit to guide us. In Psalm 31 David is telling us that in times of stress--depending on God requires complete commitment. It may seem easier at first to turn to our idols such as friends, money, children, spouse, work, etc. But COMPLETE COMMITMENT....hmm. It's easy to be committed when life seems to be going our way. You might say or think, "sure, I'll trust God and not question him when he follows my ideas or I feel happy".
Maybe we all need to hand the reigns back over to God...on an hourly basis. How about letting God tell HIS story through you instead of you wanting to tell your own story? Vs.3 tells us that "since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. Psalm 31 is also a beautiful reminder that God is merciful and HE HEARS US! He hears our cries and groans for help...let's all put our idols away and turn our eyes and ears to the one who really listens.

Psalm 29 He Is Powerful!~

Sometimes I get so caught up in my own thoughts, problems, and issues. (OK, so not some of the about ALL of the time!) that I am not dwelling on God's majestic power. We just returned from North Carolina and if you've ever spent much time marveling at the ocean--you know it is powerful. Everyday it is different and the old saying "you never know what the tide brings in" is put into a picture. I can sit out at the beach and just do nothing but watch the waves roll in. "The Lord thunders over the mighty waters" vs. 3. Enjoying God's presence through nature is one of the mighty ways that God reveals himself to us. Spend some time awe of his creation and your problems may suddenly feel "small". Francis Chan in his book Crazy Love encourages us to "In all things let us bless the Lord". Psalm 29 is telling us that God is speaking to you-ARE YOU LISTENING?
1. Do we just pray for safety and blessings in our lives--or do we pray "In THIS, let me praise you?"
2. Do we only want God to answer our prayers in our "mapped out plan" or do we pray "In this storm, let me bless you?"
3. A dear friend just told me "It's HIS story". Can we trust that it's God's story and not our own?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Psalm 30 - Gain Pain

There are all sorts of analogies to help relate the sentiment: No pain, no gain. Doctors tell us we need to be poked by needles not to get sick and that we have to push 8 pounds of human out of a little hole in order to gain children. We need to train to win the race and deny the pan of brownies to be thin. All these things require a level of faith. We are trusting our pain will have a purpose. Much of our Christian faith is this concept that suffering and pain is temporary in contrast to our promise of eternal restoration and reconciliation with a perfect God who will eradicate all pain, sorrow, and tears. We have to believe that God is faithful through all circumstances, both painful and happy, and that we are dependent on Him alone, not the circumstances He arranges in our life. Maybe a little pain is to our gain.
Psalm 30 Questions -
1. What is a recent situation you can exalt him for either lifting your spirits or lifting you out of a hard situation?
2. Is there someone you can call on God for help in healing?
3. Is there a time in your life that seemed so hopeless and horrible but with hindsight seems insignificant or distant?
4. What seems hopeless now? Will you trust God to redeem the situation for purpose and good?
5. When things are going well in our lives we feel confident and secure in God's will and favor. But when things go wrong in our eyes do we think God has turned his back on us? Do you continue to trust or do you try to take back over the controls of your life?
6. Do we really trust God to turn our rags to riches? Do we just want his riches but not the rags? Do we rely on God or his stuff? Do we only want the laughter but reject the tears?
7. What can you ask for today to turn from pain to positive? What from your past can you ask for insight to see the positive and purpose? Can you use it to point others towards the redemptive work of Christ? Is their sadness He can turn to joy for you? Is their crying He can turn to dancing for you?
8. Do you give thanks forever? What has he done in the past that you can thank him for today? How will you remember to thank him tomorrow?

Psalm 28 - Pit fall

A means to capture a target is by using pitfalls. Pits are dug along a path to a particular basic need like a home, food, or water. The best place to dig is where the path narrows or else you can put obstacles in the path to funnel them to the pit trap. Pits can also be dug and baited to lure the target in. You need to use appropriate bait and hole size with the particular target. Sharp objects like sticks or stones can be used to line the bottoms of the pit to increase chances for injury or death. Psalm 28 warns if we don't listen to God we will fall into a pit. So where are the well worn paths of your heart? Could the enemy be digging a hole near one to cause you to fall? That type of bait might he lure you with? Remember for all things trust in the Lord and listen for his help and guidance. He is your strength and protector from the pitfalls of life.
Psalm 28 Questions -
1. When you are in the pits do you go to God for help or do you try to get out yourself? Do you drag others in with you or sit in self-pity? After crying for help there is an action of faith to lift your arms up to be lifted out. Are you stepping out and reaching up in faith?
2. Are you feeling manipulated by a neighbor or friend who is two-faced? Are you trusting that God will judge her motives?
3. How do you show regard for the works of the Lord and what He's done?
4. How is God your strength? How is he your shield? Where do you need him to intervene today?
5. What does it mean to you that God saves his people and they are his inheritance?
6. What song will you sing to him in thanks today?
7. What does it mean to be an anointed one of God?
8. Do you want your heart to leap for joy? What is weighing it down? How can you trust the Lord with it?

Psalm 26 - Blame Less

It is human nature to avoid the blame and put it on someone else. We have to be taught to be responsible for our own actions yet we always find a little bit of why it is someone else's fault too. My high school Spanish teacher would give the same vocabulary tests every year. So kids with older siblings or friends would be passed down these tests that everyone would try to get their hands on. Flat out cheating, right? Or was it Senior's own fault for not changing the tests. I remember studying but then finding a friend with a test just to verify I knew the right words. Well pretty soon it was too easy to cram off an old test and not study at all. But then one day the teacher switched out the old test for a new one. You could hear the groans and see the panic sweep over the faces of over half the class. Everyone was mad at him for switching the test but wait a minute, weren't we the cheaters? We wanted to place the blame anywhere but on ourselves. So what does it mean to live a blameless life? Is living blameless the same as living perfectly? If so, I've blown it already, I blew it 5 minutes ago. Or maybe just less to blame than the girl next to me? But blame implies responsibility, who will be responsible for my own life's actions and thoughts? I don't know about you but I have gladly exchanged my blame with the blameless one, Jesus, so that I may have his earned redemption and mercy because I couldn't earn it on my own. I hope you have accepted Christ's gift of salvation, because in the end you will be the only one to blame for not putting your faith in Him.
Psalm 26 Questions -
1. Where does your trust in God waver? Fill in the blank: I know God could but I don't think He would ______.
2. Why is testing necessary? Are you afraid to ask because of what might be revealed? Why would David welcome examination from God? Are you willing to ask God to reveal any areas in your life that need to be returned to God's authority? What grade would you receive if God tested your heart and mind?
3. Where have your feet taken you today? Errands, fitness, shopping, couch, kitchen pantry, mirror, Bible, scale, towards someone, away from someone, kids activities, and/or work? How can you walk these places in God's truth?
4. How do we witness to unbelievers without consorting with them? How do we love the sinner but hate the sin? How can we refuse to sit but still make a stand for Christ?
5. We sin everyday, therefore we need forgiveness everyday. David was human like us, he got his hands dirty too and he even talks in verse 6 about needing to wash his hands in innocence. Dirty hands need washed in clean water to remove dirt. Dirty lives need to be washed clean too. Christ shed his innocent blood so our filthy lives could be washed clean so we could be presented blameless before God. Do you need to go wash your hands?
6. (v8) Where does the house of the Lord live now? Where does His glory dwell on the earth?

Psalm 24 - Idol break

Sorry for the absence, I've been busy worshipping my idol. I have been devoting time to it, worrying about it, even praying for it not to completely topple as God removes it from its throne in my life. As I studied this psalm I prayed verse 4. Lord, give me a clean hands, a pure heart and don't let me lift my soul to an idol. CRASH! literally. I shouldn't be surprised I had already been convicted not to spend time on Sunday's with my computer. That day is set aside for God and I knew I had a bad habit of spending too much time checking weather, facebook, email, and all the other things I am always checking in on. Ha, bad habit is just the politically correct word for idol these days. I confirmed I had a problem when I actually suffered withdrawal symptoms. Every time I walked through the kitchen I went to check it but then remembered it was crashed. I woke up in the morning and powered it on and tried to reboot again just in case it might maybe just possibly work then. I drove it a long distance to get it fixed, I've made deals with God, and I even told the Apple Genius I'd be praying for him. Yucky, I prayed not that this man may know the Lord better but that he'd fix my idol. Even as I justified needing my computer to keep up on the blog in order to spread the name and fame of God, the first thing I did when I got the computer back was check my facebook. ugh. I didn't seek His face I sought facebook. My computer isn't evil nor is spending time on it a sin. It became an idol because I was depending on it for things that come from the Lord and was spending time on it that belongs to God. Is there something in your life that is creeping in on the Lord's throne? Better crash your idol before it crashes you.
Psalm 24 Questions -
1. Do you look at other people, nature, your things, your time, your money, all things as God's possessions?
2. What idols are erected in your life? Fill in the blanks. If only I were _______. If only I had _______.
3. Do you receive your blessings from God or do you go after what you want. What is a blessing? Is they only good things that align with what you want or do your recognize trials and discipline as blessings?
4. God saves and vindicates. How does that give you comfort?
5. How does your generation seek Him? How can you support the movement towards Him?
6. The last 4 verses was part of a temple tradition symbolizing the people's desire to be in God's presence. Since the first coming of Christ where does the Spirit reside on earth now? How does this change your outlook on your life and your things?

Psalm 27: Dance and Sing and make music to the Lord!

After telling you about my sinful youth days I feel compelled to share the next part of the story, I was ready for God to move in my life. At 18 I told Christ that I was His servant and will go wherever he leads. So I signed up to attend Bible College in Hot Springs, Arkansas. This is not the type of "college" you are thinking of...this was a little house on the prairie experience. I won't go into all the details but one thing the college held was women's seminars. They created a "tabernacle" for the Lord. This was full of banners, praise dancers, thrones and white sheets. I know...sounds a little creepy (and there were parts of it that were) but God's spirit was there. It was created to feel like "the house of the Lord" vs. 4. We "gazed upon the beauty of the Lord and seeked him in his temple" vs.4. I experienced God during my two year (wilderness) Bible college in a special way that I'm not sure I ever will again until heaven. I spent hours with the Lord everyday and learned from others what it really meant to walk out my faith.
God wants to "hide you in the shelter of his tabernacle" vs 5 and for us to sing music to the Lord. I believe that even though I'm not in the Hot Springs, Arkansas man-made tabernacle--God's spirit is omnipresent. We can tap into His presence anytime, anywhere. Go ahead....Seek Him. I know you will find Him. "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord" vs 14.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Psalm 25: I am a FRIEND of God!

Recently I had an opportunity to share my story in our community group. We were the last couple to share and probably not by default on my part. I get anxious when asked to speak in front of others! I get emotional and I become an open book. I am not one to hide or gloss over the truth. So when our week came to share (and remind you we had been sharing for months because each couple took the entire 2 hours share their story!) I was fearful. Why? Because my youthful years are not ones that I am proud of. I experimented with it all and some experiments became a lifestyle. It wasn't until Jesus saved my lost soul that I changed. Now, my sins may not be as transparent but everyday I am clearly aware of my need for a savior! Psalm 25:7 says "remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O Lord". God is Good and faithful and instructs those that have ears to hear. (And just in case you are curious the time to share ended up being a beautiful experience! It reminded me me of God's plan for my life I felt Christ's love and forgiveness through gracious listeners.)
1. Are you willing to let God "Show you His Ways" vs 4
2. Do we ask for Him to "guide and teach us" vs 5
3. Are we willing to all costs? Maybe the cost is not being included with a certain group of friends, putting your house up for sale or asking someone for forgiveness?
4. "The Lord confides in those who fear him" vs 14. That is the kind of friend I want and the secrets I want to hear about!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Psalm 23: I WANT!

"I shall not want"...what a profound statement! Everywhere I go, I want. At home "I want" my husband and children to be this or do that. I look around at my rooms and "want" this or wish for that. I'm at church and "I want" this feeling or that acceptance. I'm shopping at Target (or heaven forbid the Mall!) and "I want" it all! You get my drift...Oh Lord, you have called us your sheep and you are our shepherd. (John 10:11) Sheep are completely dependent on their shepherd for provision, guidance and protection. We are HIS sheep--we follow because our shepherd leads us to the right places. Do we trust Him to lead? Prayerfully consider what "I wants" are in the way of following the great shepherd and let them go...because our great God says that "goodness and love will follow you all the days of your life". God desires for us to NOT want...but be utterly content following HIS lead.

Psalm 22 - Give away the ending

My son Wes went to the movie theater to see the recent cartoon Gnomeo & Juliet with his cousins. He had seen it before with his grandparents, liked it and was willing to watch it again. At the scene when the young lovers relationship is revealed and the fight ensues and Gnomeo is thought to be smashed by a truck, Wes stood up and loudly announced to the theater audience,"He is not dead!" He continued to reassure everyone despite the attempts to shush him that this wasn't the end, it wasn't what they thought, there was hope, Gnomeo was still alive. If only my Christian testimony resembled this scenario more. I've read the Bible, I know what is happening, I know what is going to happen. I know that Jesus is not dead, He is alive and that should be shouted even if it interrupts people's lives. It is the Good News. We sometime treat the Gospel like a spoiler alert. But we need to give away the ending before it is too late for some of our friends and family. Psalm 22 is a prophesy of Christ's coming and suffering and victory. It explains that God is ruler over all things past, present and future. There is hope because He reveals the ending to us. That our suffering now isn't the end, that Christ hasn't gone away, that He will return and we will feast and worship and kneel before the Lord. Is there someone in your life you need to give away the ending to before the ending takes them away?
Psalm 22 Questions -
1. Is there a current problem that you need deliverance from? Recall situations in the past where He was faithful, trust Him with the future, and look for ways to share your testimony of God's glory in this situation.
2. Is there a parent or a spiritual mentor you could ask to give you their faith story or recall an instance in their walk where Christ was faithful to them?
3. Are you disappointed in something? Then your trust isn't in the Lord. Ask God how you can trust in him and not in the things of this world.
4. How does the world/friends/family mock your trust in God? How do you defend from such attacks?
5. How can a newborn baby give testimony to trusting in God?
6. Verses 12-13 & 16 Describe exterior attacks. V 19-21 are the prayers for deliverance from them. What does the sword, dog, oxen, and lion represent and how do they each overtake/kill their target?
7. Read the crucifixion accounts in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) to find parallels to this psalms description and Jesus's experience?
8. What does showing God honor and reverence look like in your life?
9. Are you actively listening for cries of help? Who is the "afflicted" in your sphere of influence? Do you dislike certain people or groups? Do you catch yourself making generalizations like "kids these day" "those moms" "the people that live over there."
10. How can we create a legacy where our hearts live forever?
11. All will bow before the Lord. How are you teaching your children now about being submissive to His authority? Are you modeling it?
12. How do you hope your kids will serve Him? What are you teaching them today to ensure those goals for the future?
13. How will future generations be told about the Lord? How are you part of passing the baton with your kids, other's kids? Is that particular kid driving you nuts: are you driving him away or driving him to the Lord?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Psalm 21 - Mind your manners

If Psalm 20 was how to ask God please for something properly than Psalm 21 is how to say thanks. We all know the difference between a grateful thank you and a polite thanks. We drill it into our kids to at least mumble out a thank you that trails off with the direction of their disconnected eyes. There is a small victory when you hear them say "thank you" without having to remind or threaten them to say it. It is a hard habit to enforce and but being taught to be grateful is a lifelong gift. My daughter Brooke, only around 2 years of age, threw a tantrum in the underwear section of Kohl's because she refused to thank the saleswoman for a compliment on her hair bow. When I prompted her to say thanks she folded her hands, turned up her nose and refused. I removed the bow and said then you don't get to wear pretty things in your hair if you can't express gratitude for a compliment. Insert blood curdling scream and running through the store as if her hair was on fire here. She continued for what seem like an eternity while looks of disapproval and sympathy from other patrons met my frustrated and embarrassed eyes. She finally submitted and we found the woman to give it another chance. Thanks were expressed by Brooke but then the woman thanked me for sticking to my guns to teach my daughter the importance of gratitude. Now you may disagree with my parenting tactic but we can all agree that being grateful is an important quality that is always appreciated when expressed. The Lord is also likes to hear a thank you once in a while and not just for the things He gives us but also for His very character, who He is and what he has done. All we have comes from the Lord, give glory and thanks to him for his blessings. How can you thank Him today? Who did God use to minister to you this week? How can you express your gratitude?
Psalm 21 Questions -
1. Have you acknowledged and recognized God in the strength and victories He gives?
2. What do you desire? Do you actually ask for it from God? There is an ask and receive relationship with most of these blessings.
3. We are crowned with pure gold because Christ was crowned with thorns in our place. Have you thanked Him for his death on the cross for your sake recently?
4. What are some of the victories He's given you in your life? What is God's purpose for giving you those victories?
5. What shakes you? What sends shivers down your spine? Have you ever said, "Please Lord anything but__________". Harm my family, take my job, ask me to evangelize, love that person, give my comfort up, inflict me with a physical problem. If He is our solid foundation and Rock no shaking will undo us.
6. Do you feel the heat from verses 8-10? Is there an unsaved friend or family member you will commit to pray for so they will not face this punishment?
7. Who is successful in God's eyes? Worlds eyes? Your eyes?
8. How can God's strength be exalted and demonstrated to others in your life today? Where are you weak, ask for strength that could only be attributed to God.

Psalm 20 - Wish me luck

I had a boyfriend in high school that was a baseball player. Baseball players can be very superstitious during their season. They all have their things they have to do before a game to ensure luck. And if they had a bad game it was the fault of one of their lucky charms not their athletic ability. I remember he slept with his bat, wore the same socks ever game without washing them, and had some necklace with magic powers or something ridiculous. But we all have ridiculous things we do or say before a big event in life. They are ridiculous because they hold no power. Saying good luck before a game, break a leg before a performance, or you can do it I believe in you might bolster a little confidence but all the hope in the world won't win a game, help you through that move to a new city or calm your nerves before surgery. Psalm 20 gives us an example of a battle cry that has power behind it. It calls on the Lord for His support, His strength, His success. It says that trust is not in man's capabilities and earthly things but only in the name and power of the Lord. So be it the first day of school, a presentation at work, or before a game, try calling on the Lord for his power instead of just wishing for some luck.
Psalm 20 Questions -
1. Who can you pray this psalm for today instead of wishing them luck on an upcoming event?
2. What does it mean to be given a desire of your heart? God is Holy so he can't co-exist with selfish desires. Do you think of God as a magic genie that will give you what you want if you rub him the right way and earn his favor?
3. What is success? What is your idea of success? What is God's idea of success?
4. Do you shout for joy when He makes you victorious? Is it out loud and audible to give him the glory or is it in your head so no one can decipher his glory from yours?
5. What would it mean to lift up your banner in His name? When is the last time you shared your testimony with someone? When was the last time you met someone new to share your testimony with?
6. Do we trust in man made and tangible earthly things or do we have enough faith to trust in the intangibles and in a name? What name of the Lord do you find trust and comfort in today?
7. Will you submit on your knees and depend on Him before He brings you to your knees? Will you give him the controls before you head into a tailspin and loose control?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Psalm 19- Skeleton Key

A skeleton key has been reduced down to its essential parts in order to bypass the wards or the obstructions in the lock that prevent a locked door from opening. Psalm 19 contains a series of things we long to obtain. Revival of our soul, joy to the heart, light to the eyes, purity, worth, sweetness and so on. We can try to maneuver past the wards of life to obtain these things but we always seem locked out of truly obtaining them. Someone is always smarter, prettier, more successful. You buy something to make you happy but it never brings soul reviving joy. What is precious is taken or looses value. Even your family, friend and church may let you down. But God Himself is the key, the skeleton key, that bypasses all the obstacles and efforts to obtain real satisfaction and worth in life. The way to know Him and His glory is revealed through His written word, the Bible, and the majestic display of His created nature. Using these two tools, how can you experience and worship Him today?
Psalm 19 Questions -
1. Get out doors. Use your senses to experience the creation God has made for you to know Him more through and to enjoy. Touch it, smell it, get up close to it. Go, right now. Leave the computer and go outdoors. I will wait for you to come back. Okay, good job, now go show your kids.
2. Read Romans 1:19-20. Will everyone really be held accountable to God even if they weren't ever verbally told about God and his gift of salvation through his son Jesus? What are you doing to spread the Word of God to the nations? Do you see this verse as a motivating reason to spread the Gospel or a good excuse not to bother?
3. Do you find God's rules and law freeing or binding?
4. Does your soul need revival? Do you long for joy because nothing makes you happy for long? Does the world seem dark and confusing? Are you unsure how to live your life today? Does the world seem impure? Does everyone let you down? Does life seem too ordinary? Do you long for something precious? Is life too bitter, do you long for something sweet? Do you have regret? Do you want the key to obtaining a great reward? All the answers and solutions are in God's law.
5. Verse 13 is a great daily preventative prayer. If you prayed for more protection do you think you would need to pray for forgiveness less?
6. Are your words and meditations pleasing to His sight?
7. How is God your Lord, Your Rock, Your Redeemer?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Psalm 18 - Dodge sin

Remember the feelings associated with picking dodge ball teams in elementary? You constantly size up the opposing teams as they get assembled and evaluate your chances depending on who is on whose team. You are relieved it isn't stacked in one teams advantage, it should be fair. Until the gym teacher announces he is going to play on a team. Being about 7 or 8 years old you know you are either doomed if he picks the other team to be on or sure of victory if he takes your side. He is powerful, capable, and he can handle every aspect of the battle for you. You may not even ever have to touch the ball except to pass it back to him. Psalm 18 paints a picture of God in his power, strength and downright intimidating presence. He is unequivocal and certainly has no real match when His full power is unleashed. And it will be unleashed someday, sin and sinful people will be destroyed, but He loves us enough that He has given us time and a way to be saved before justice is carried out. Whose team are you going to want to be on when the battle takes place? Are you recruiting others to be on God's team or are you just content with saving yourself? Are you asking and trusting Him to fight your battles today?
Psalm 18 Questions -
1. What does it mean for you personally that God is your Rock, Fortress, Shield, Horn of Salvation, and Stronghold?
2. What do you need God's salvation from today?
3. Will you give him the credit for His victories in your life? Will you share your testimony with others so that the name and fame of God is known? In which areas are you still trying to take the glory instead of give the glory to God?
4. Do you feel God has let you down? Are you blaming him for a situation or making you a certain way? Will you let him transform that darkness into light?
5. (v30) Do you trust his way is perfect, that the Bible is flawless? How do you express your doubt in these truths? How do you express trust?
6. How can we use this psalm to model and equip our kids to manage life's challenges?
7. (v32-36) God enables us to fight life's battles. He doesn't always remove a trial but He always sees us through and supports us. What ways has he equipped you to be an amazing wife, mother, friend, employee, neighbor, church member, community member or any other role He's called you?
What do you possess that can fight against the evils of loneliness, hopelessness, and fear? Are you willing to fight until it is overtaken and destroyed or do you give up easily? How can you fight for your marriage, kids purity, your churches reputation, your severed relationship with a family/friend/church member?
8. Will you ask Him how you can serve Him instead of asking Him to serve your needs and interests? Are your requests to God for His glory or your comfort?

Psalm 17 - Oink

So just call me piggy, and not because my nose scrunches in pictures but because I am a lot like a pig in my spiritual walk. Pigs are an interesting farm animal because they can turn from domesticated to feral within a matter of months being introduced into the wild. No other tame animal has such a transformation once it is out of the boundaries and care of the farmer. They will get hairy, grow tusks and get aggressive. Pigs are scavengers by nature, adapt well to their environment, and can survive on their own but usually in a destructive and dangerous manner. Verse 14 says that God stills the hunger of those He cherishes, that sons have plenty and that they are able to store up wealth for their children. A satisfied pig stays in his pen and contently wallows in the mud and generations of that pig can enjoy the same benefits. But when we don't seek to get fed from the Lord and receive satisfaction for all our needs from him we start to act like discontent pigs. We break down our fences, leave the fold of protection and begin to root in the wild for things that will only keep us alive but never thrive. Life is never as peaceful, we will always be searching for the next meal and competing with our fellow wild swine for the same limited resources. When those resources are used up it only pushes us deeper into the wild to search for more. We like the pigs will start to get a little more aggressive and a little more bristly. Perhaps we even start to grow tusks to defend ourselves from others or to fight for more. I got a little feral today, I didn't go to the Farmer/God for my first meal and throughout the day I felt myself getting a little bristly. Even though my walk looked nothing like the first 5 verses I was able to claim verse 6. When I call, He answers. He shows his love and saves me when I take refuge in him. Only God can offer you the satisfactions of life. Are you going to the farmer for your needs or have you escaped the pen? Will you return your heart time him now?
Psalm 17 Questions-
1. Are your prayers righteous or are they motivated with with self interest?
2. Is your moral living an effort to obligate God to you? Do you think you earn His favor by your efforts?
3. Have you ever been in a quarrel? There are 3 sides to every story. Yours, theirs and the truth. God's eyes see what is right and will handle justice. Do you ask God to see His side of the story or do you ask Him to see yours? Will you trust your quarrel to the Righteous Judge?
4. Fill in the blank or rewrite verse 6 in your own words. Show me your love, save me from ________. I take refuge from my enemies in you.
5. Examine verse 14. What does it mean to be a man of this world whose reward is in this life? Why do we need saving from such men, why do they attack?
6. God promises abundance that spills over into our children if we are fed by the Lord for our needs. Therefore if you want to invest in your children's future teach them to be satisfied in the Lord.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Psalm 16 - Deciding factor

Psalm 15 gave of a list of good behavior and now Psalm 16 gives us a list of benefits we enjoy when we belong to God and some of the cons of going your own way. Write up a pros and cons list based on the things you find in Psalm 16 and decide which side you are on. Decisions no matter how easy or difficult require a process of weighing one benefit over the other. There maybe multiple factors in a decision but there is usually a final deciding factor. What is your deciding factor in choosing Christ or not?
1. How does God make things good? How are the same things apart from Him bad?
2. Have your sorrows increased? Are you sadder, have more problems, or complain more than you did this time last year? If so, what idol might be taking place over God?
3. What is your portion and cup? Are you secure in it or do you have envy or pride that needs checked?
4. Do the boundaries of the Christian life seem pleasant or restricting? Are you enjoying the pleasant places inside the boundaries or are you tempting yourself by looking resentfully past the lines? Are their areas in your life you've let slip past the boundaries?
5. How does the Lord counsel and instruct you?
6. Do you set the Lord before you to lead you or behind you to follow your agenda and clean up your messes? Do you plan something and then ask the Lord to bless it or do you seek him first?
7. Verse 9-11 Sign me up! What do you dream of when you read "eternal pleasures"?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Psalm 15 - To do lists

We just learned in Psalm 14 that we can do no good apart from God. Psalm 15 gives a list of holy living behaviors we can achieve when we submit our hearts and lives to the Holy Spirit that lives in us if we've accepted Christ as our Savior. This isn't a list of things we need to achieve before we can earn Christ's gift of salvation, these are the things He alone was able to achieve on our behalf. We as mankind screwed up. Jesus came down from Heaven to show us how it is done. But unlike a teacher who just models behavior to mimic, Jesus exchanged his perfection for our imperfections and therefore took the wrath of God and endured the punishment for our sins and screw-ups. He bridged the gap between broken man and Holy God. Some of you like your to-do lists. You get extreme satisfaction out of marking a task done. Some of you (don't worry danae and joslynn your secret is safe with me) even like to put things already accomplished on your to-do list and then cross them off done. But isn't that is the beauty of Christ's sacrifice?! He has made our life's to do list a done list. These action items can now be done in confidence, in freedom, and in gratitude of what is already done for you. They can't earn us anything more than the righteousness Christ already gives you.
Psalm 15 Questions -
1. The age old question: how do you get to Heaven? Your perfection or Christ's perfection?
2. How are these behaviors applied in your life? How are they broken?
3. What does it mean that if you do these things you will never be shaken?

Psalm 14 - fool hearted

To really start to realize how good God is we need to come face-to-face with the fact that we are no good on our own. Yo momma taught you that if you can't say something nice than don't say anything at all. This teaches us to be polite and not get beat up on the playground but it doesn't help the heart issue of not even thinking dreadful things. A fool says in his heart there is no God, perhaps she never verbalizes it out loud with words nor does she even think it in her mind intellectually but our true self in located in our emotional hearts. Our actions reveal our hearts and sometimes we act the fool when we deny God's power with doubt, undermine his authority with rebellion, reject his love by not caring for others, or devaluing his worth by not prioritizing our time and resources for him. What does your heart say about God?
Psalm 14 Questions-
1. What does God see when he looks down at you? Do you seek Him everyday in everything or just when it is scheduled, on a Sunday, or only in troubles?
2. David says "no one does good". Paul in Romans 3:23 says all have fallen short of the glory of God. What do you think? Do you still look at people as good people who do bad things or bad people who can do good things? What makes an action "good", whose standard?
3. Do you consider your goodness a way to earn favor from God?
4. What is the definition of an evil doer from verse 4?
5. In verse 2 God was looking down from heaven at man. In verse 5 He is in the company of the righteous. How does he dwell among man? How can a holy God co-exist with sinful man?
6. Who is the salvation that comes? What fortune does he restore? What treasures do you seek from your relationship with God?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Psalm 13 - Wait for it

Especially in our instant, fast paced, drive thru window society it is hard to wait. I easily become agitated when I am forced to wait beyond what I expected. But if I am to really believe that God is in control of all things and his timing is perfect than why do I still tap my foot in line? We can trust in God's unfailing love when things persist longer than we would like, when answers seem forgotten or when time is running out. Another way God assures us of His faithfulness is through the gift of our long term memory. We can remember the past, when He was good to us and hindsight gives insight to His greater purposes for our lives. When exterior things attack or a battle rages in your head or heart try worshipping God for his past faithfulnesses and patiently wait in the promise of coming deliverance.
Psalm 13 - Questions
1. What does it mean to ask "give light to my eyes or I will sleep in death" in verse 3?
2. What area in your life do you find little hope in? Have you settled or given up on an area or are you still longing and requesting deliverance?
3. How does sorrow and salvation co-exist?
4. Where has God been faithful to you in the past? How does it give you hope for the future?

Psalm 12 - Pretty little liar

Have you been the victim of insincere flattery? I had a friend in high school that would compliment your outfit only if she thought you looked really bad in it. I believed her so much that I actually wore suspenders for my junior year class picture. I caught on to her as I noticed her doing it to other friends. Flattering them to their face then laughing at them behind their back. Sheesh, with friends like that who needs enemies. Psalm 12 tell us that Gods words are flawless. They are true, perfect, and able to be trusted with complete confidence. Use your own words wisely and trust God for protection against lies.
Psalm 12 Questions -
1. How do you see even the godly and faithful being eroded in the moral downslide of our society?
2. Have you felt the victim of lies? Have you been guilty of the ones spreading them?
3. What is the difference between compliments and flattery? What harm comes from flattery? What does flattery do to society?
4. James 3 talks about taming the tongue. In which ways do you need to more self-control over your tongue.
5. Is it ok to vent to a friend? Or to talk about someone if claim "we'd say it to her face"? Or fill someone in on another persons problem so they can pray for them?
6. Do we trust God to defend lies against us or do we take matters into our own hands?
7. Do we filter or refine our words before we let them go out? Silver is heated until the impurities are evaporated into a poisonous gas melting down to a pure and useable material. God refines 7 times, how often do we let things fly out of our mouths with out even one refinement?
8. Where has our tolerance of vile things given place for them to become honorable? It doesn't take many cable channels, radio stations and youtube videos to realize sin is in. How can we counter this and be loving without being tolerable to sin?

Psalm 11 - On target

A bow and arrow is a deadly, long range weapon. It can't be used effectively in a close contact fight. Like the a modern day sniper, an archer could wait in a hiding place for the enemy to come in range to take a shot. The victim may not even see it coming before it hits. The Lord is our shield from such attacks and there is also some common sense we can use to stay away and guard our heart from piercing arrows. Verse 2 says that the arrows come out of the darkness and shoot at the upright in heart. An archer targets the heart and if he misses he hopes to at least get a vital organ surrounding the heart. So guard your heart and stay away from darkness. Guard your kids hearts and keep them from darkness. Examples may be that TV show that is okay to watch but a commercial could shoot them right in the heart by exposing them or desensitizing them. Or maybe it is that magazine you would never subscribe to but leaf through it in the check out, salon, or doctors office. Or the music you sometimes listen to, maybe it is only one lyric in the whole song that takes aim at undermining your marriage or promotes personal independence and freedom from responsibility or glamorizes the use of drugs or alcohol. Psalm 11 promises 2 things to the person that lives an upright life. 1- you will be shot at by the wicked (v2) and 2 -you will see God's face (v7). To see God's face is a target I will be aiming for today.
Psalm 11 Questions:
1. Do you run to God or away from God when life's problems arise? Who do you seek advice from? Where do you get help? Bank, Oprah, self-help books, friends, mom, husband?
2. What are the moral conditions of the world? Your country? Your community? Your home? Your heart?
3. What is violence? Where does it show up in your life?
4. V6 describes the punishment we deserve for our sins so it is what Christ endured on our behalf. That is the punishment our unsaved friends and family will endure. Who needs to hear about God's saving grace in your life today?
5. Do you really love justice? Are enforcing it in your home? Are you defending it in your community?
6. Good moral choices that align with God's standards don't earn our way to heaven but they will be rewarded. To see God's face, wow, I am in.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Psalm 10 - Flashback

I don't know about your experience but Psalm 10 gave me awful flashbacks to highschool. Unfortunately I flip-flopped on where I could relate as the victim and where I related as the wicked one. Life becomes a long list of people that I need to forgive and an even longer list of people who need to forgive me. And although I've wronged many people I am ultimately responsible to God, the King of All. My pride and evil deeds require punishment, not just a pardon. God in his unfailing love and desire to be reconciled to his people despite our sinfulness sent his son Jesus to live life as a human but to live it perfectly, blameless, and holy so that He could live and die in my place. I can exchange my unrighteousness for His righteousness and be able to approach the Judgement Throne of God and receive forgiveness and grace instead of the punishment and wrath I truly deserve. Wow. The best part is that it is free, I can't earn it and once I accept His free gift of salvation through Christ's sacrifice on the cross I can't loose it. I hope you are enjoying this journey through Psalms as we uncover more about our need for God.
Psalm 10 Questions-
1. Do you feel abandoned by God in a current situation? Did He leave you or did you leave Him?
2. Do you seek God in all your ways? What does that look like in your life on a day to day basis? What area of pride has left no room for God?
3. What makes you happy? Is it ever a sin to be happy?
4. At what lengths are you willing to go to circumvent hardships in your life? Is it wrong to protect yourself from troubles?
5. Are you going after what you want and then asking for God's blessing or do you seek God's plan for your life first?
6. What things take up your time, talents and resources that are just for fun? What things are taking up your time, talent and resources for God?
7. Is there a situation you still need to address forgiveness and healing in? Have you given it to God, are you worried if you do the result might be difficult to deal with? Will you entrust Him to redeem that situation no matter how long ago it was?
8. Are you listening for the cry of the oppressed, looking for ways to encourage and defend their cause? Or are you occupied with your own happiness and maintaining status quo?
9. Who is fatherless in your life? How can you be God's helper to them?

Psalm 9 - What is in a name?

Hello my name is Jesse. My birth certificate reveals my legal name is Jessalynn but I only hear that when I am in trouble or from a telemarketer. My dad calls me Princess. My mom nicknamed me Messy Jessy. Married I am called Baby, Toots, and My Woman. I am called Mom by my two kids and sometimes it is a shrill whiney moooommmmmaaaa when someone is tired. I have lots of names that different people use that are associated with my different roles. You can discern my dad cherishes me, my lack of cleanliness frustrated my mom and that my husband and I are playful. There are a lot of Jesse's out there and if you don't have a relationship with me or spend time with me, my name just becomes identification. Throughout scriptures God is given many names to try to reveal the many facets to his character. Verse 10 says that those who know your name can trust you. There is power in his name, it is a name above all other names, it can be called on and praised. Do you seek the Lord and to know his many names and how they can deepen your relationship with Him? Have you been journalling a list of God's names and what they mean to you?
Psalm 9 Questions -
1. What part of your heart is broken and not able to praise Him? Do you feel that there is an injustice in your life or an area God has forgotten?
2. Who have you shared his wonders with today? Review your conversations with people, your kids, husband, family, clerk at the store, bank teller and friends, do you point people to Jesus or yourself?
3. Is your life song singing God's praises or your own, your families, or your churches?
4. Do you really trust God as your judge or do you have to feel appreciated for all you do? Do you truly want God to be recognized and praised or do you want a piece of the glory?
5. How will you stand before God's throne of judgement? Are you still working on your righteousness or have you exchanged yours for Christ's? Consider accepting Christ's free gift of salvation today. If you have, thank Him.
6. What troubles to you face? What is opposing you? What would it mean for that situation to seek refuge in God?
7. Why is it important to know the names of God? What does it mean not to be forsaken by the Lord? What does it mean to seek Him?
8. What is your prayer's motive? Is it to relieve our pain and get back to an easy life or is it to have a testimony of God's glory and transformation in our life?
9. How has our nation forgotten God? How can you remind them?
10. God does not forget the needy. Do we? How can you meet a need for someone today? Pray for eyes to see the opportunity then give Him the glory.
11. (V20) Should we pray for disaster? Why or why not?

Psalm 8 - Glory revealed

Just try not to smile when you hear a baby laugh. Psalm 8 tells us that the noises of children and infants have the power to silence the foe and avenger. There is hope and innocence still with a child that gives glory to God in a most powerful way. If you want to chase the enemy away make a child laugh today.
1. The greatest name on earth is personalized. "my" Lord. Thank Him for his name and delight in its many facets.
2. What does ordained mean? Why would He ordain praise from children and infants? How can you support this ordained order of praise today? Which children and infants are in your sphere of influence to encourage?
3. Consider the Heavens. Sit out and look at the stars. They are works of his fingers, very detailed and intimate and personal. Every night we can count that every star comes out and is in its place, surely we can trust God for our daily happenings and that He is the God of consistency and order.
4. How do you find this psalm humbling? How do you find it empowering?
5. What does it mean to be made in the image of God?
6. With authority comes responsibility. How are you caring for Gods creation? What is your environmental outlook and personal responsibility?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Psalm 7 - Lions of life

Lions are night and opportunist hunters. They have two main hunting methods. One way is to stalk from cover to cover then pounce on their unsuspecting prey. Or else a lion will determine and find a prey's need and hide by it. So they will position themselves by water and food sources and wait. Lions are not fast, at least not as fast as most prey animals, they have to rely on an element of surprise. They are great at hiding and are very patient. Their prey's biggest problem is not out running them it is seeing a lion coming, they loose sight of the danger or don't even pay attention enough to see it coming. They also don't have to capacity to learn from their own mistakes or others mistakes. They fall into the same trap over and over again. Sound familiar? I always seem to make the same mistakes over and over again. Or I am quick to fault my friend for the same thing I did wrong the previous week. And the classic trap we fall into is not even seeing the danger waiting for us. We go to the watering holes of life looking to satisfy a need and the enemy is there waiting to trap us. But God offers his protection and refuge from the evils that are represented by the lion analogy. He is the fair and righteous judge that executes holy justice and is sovereign over all, even the lions of life.
Psalm 7 Questions -
1. Who do you run to to take your side and justify you? Your mom, husband, friends, God?
2. Do we really want justice? Are we willing to accept the guilt and consequences for our own actions or just when we've been wronged? Are you as gracious to others as you expect them to be to you? Are you as gracious to others as Christ was to you?
3. Could you pray as in verse 8, to be judged according to your righteousness and integrity? Have you exchanged your righteousness and integrity with Christ's in order to receive salvation from the wrath of God we deserve?
4. In verse 9 is it a scary or comforting thought the God searches the mind and hearts of people? Does this lead you to confession or praise?
5. Have you ever thought you were handling things and it only got worse?
6. Examine the order in verse 14. Evil starts out small and inside of us. We nourish it allowing it to grow and conceive leading to trouble within us. The what is born out of us is disillusionment. Confusion on right and wrong and how to act. Ask God to reveal if their is anything that you are disillusioned about in your life?
7. Verse 17 encourages us to thank him for his righteousness, what can you thank him for today. What song will you sing to the Lord Most High? What does that name of God mean to you?

Psalm 6 - Crybaby

When is the last time you had a really good cry? I read that there are 3 types of tears. One to keep eyes moist. One to flush an irritant. And then emotional tears flow in response to sadness, distress, and physical pain. Emotional tears are a form of communication that only humans have. Before we can talk we can cry, it is our most basic way to communicate a need and we never outgrow it. Psalm 6 is an intimate window into the tears of the broken hearted and teaches us how to cry out to the Lord in confidence of his rescue. Sometimes we mistake crying for a lack of faith but David shows us it okay to soak a pillow. This is a fallen sinful world so we look to the psalms on how to handle our anger, sadness, hopelessness and fears in a God fearing way here on earth. We look forward to that day promised in Revelations 21:4 when Jesus will wipe every tear from his people's eyes. In heaven there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things have passed away. He who sits on the throne says ,"I am making everything new!" "Write this down for these words are trustworthy and true." We can have confidence now and in the future that when we turn to the Lord for deliverance from our troubles, He will save you because of his unfailing love.
Psalm 6 Questions -
1. Have you ever had a trial that was so overwhelming that you hurt so deep you felt it in your bones? Recall how the Lord was faithful to deliver you. Do you have a current situation that is hurting you, reword this psalm in your own words for your own circumstance and cry out to the only one who can save you.
2. Notice David never questions Why? What types of questions are ok to ask God, which are not?
3. Do we cry to the Lord first and only or do we share our injustices with anyone who will listen? Do you handle injustices by lashing out in anger or keeping it inside letting depression and bitterness take root?
4. Are you noticing other's tears? Is their an action or prayer you can offer today to help alleviate someone's troubles? Can you give someone the hope of heaven by wiping away their tears today?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Psalm 5 - Wake up call

Did you even have one of those moral dilemma's in your life where you knew it wasn't a black and white sin issue but perhaps the Lord was calling you into obedience. For me it was getting up early to spend time with God. I resisted initially but had to finally submit when He made it completely obvious that 5am was to be my new wake up time. It completely changed my relationship with Him to begin tithing the first hour of my day. Just as Psalm 5:3 explains in the morning I am able to talk with God, lay my requests before him, and then I am at peace in the day knowing I can wait in confident expectation that He will guide and protect me in the day. Of course that doesn't mean difficult circumstances won't arise but I have already been equipped from my morning time with him to handle whatever comes my way. As verse 8 explains, I can be confident that because of God's righteousness He will lead me straight through any enemy territory. Is there something you feel God tugging at you to obey? Are you willing to wake up and make the call to obey Him or will you find another reason to press the snooze button?
Psalm 5 Questions -
1. Do you make time in the morning like David, a man described as a man after God's own heart, to present your requests to the Lord? Do you wait expectantly for those answers or to you charge ahead with your own agenda for the day?
2. God is holy and can't co-exist with evil. Is there an unconfessed sin in your life that is hindering your relationship with him? Have you ever confessed to God that you are indeed sinful and need of forgiveness? When you accept Christ as your Savior, you exchange your unrighteousness for his righteousness which restores you in right relationship with the Holy God. Are you willing to make that life-saving decision today?
3. Recall some of the instances in your life where God was a shield from the trials in your life. Thank Him. Is there a current situation where you need to find His shelter? Ask Him.
4. (v7) How do you enter God's presence or His house? Acknowledging the mercy and sacrifice it took for you to even be there or has worship and church attendance become routine?
5. (v11) What name of the Lord do you want to rejoice in today? Savior, Redeemer, Friend, Holy, Almighty, Sovereign?

Psalm 4 - Breadstick Happiness

What is your favorite restaurant? Is there one that actually excites you to dine at while you look forward to a particular dish all day? There is a pizza joint in our hometown that has the best breadsticks. When we travel home there are three necessary stops: my folks, his folks, and Spanky's for breadsticks. Psalm 4:7 tells us that the joy that the Lord fills our heart with is greater then when grain and new wine abound. If David and I had been from the same hometown it may have been written that the joy of the Lord is greater than fresh-from-the-oven Spanky's breadsticks with bubbling parmesan and a free-refills fountain coca-cola. However it is sad to admit, that there are things of this world, things as simple as bread that I go cuckoo over and yet I can't find 5 minutes of dedicated worship to the Lord. David recognized that only God truly satisfies our needs and gives the answers that will allow us to be filled with true joy, not just breadstick happiness.
Psalm 4 Questions -
1. What do you think the tone is for the opening of this psalm? Is it alright to be demanding of God, if so, in what way?
2. Are their any delusions or false gods of this world that you seek more than the Lord? Are you as excited to spend time with him as you are to vacation, go shopping, read a book, check Facebook, eat ice-cream?
3. How do you handle anger? With self-examination and silence? Do lay awake at night mulling over their faults or your faults? What sacrifice could be made to right the situation? How will you trust God with the situation over handling it yourself?
4. What does it mean to have the light of God's face shine upon you(v6)?
5. What attributes of God could make you lie down and sleep in peace(v8)?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Journal Lists

Here are some lists we will want to be developing throughout the summer series. Just dedicate a few pages in your journal to compile some bullet point lists of the following:

1. Names of Gods, Attributes/Characteristics of God
eg. ps 1:2 Lawmaker, ps 1:6 Watcher of way of the righteous
2. A memory verse or pray out phrase to practice praying scriptures.
eg. ps 1:3 Lord, I want to be that tree planted by streams, to yield fruit and not wither. May what I do be prosperous to your name and fame.
3. Promises. Look for God's promises. His "I will" statements are always backed up by his "I ams". Or fill in the blanks. God will_____ because he is ________.
eg. ps 3 - God will deliver, God is Shield around me.
4. Look for ways Jesus fulfills scripture. Old testament completely points to Christ's character, his life and his purpose of salvation.
eg. ps 2 - "Anointed One" "installed my King on Zion" "kiss the Son" v8- Christ will rule and nations are his inheritance.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Psalm 3 - Jump in the deep end

My family and I were recently hanging out with friends at a pool. Our two younger girls were both unable to swim but jumped fearlessly into the deep end into the security of their fathers arms. However, later in the day, the friend's daughter jumped trustfully into the coaxing arms of her older brother in the deep end. He quickly began to go under trying to keep her a float to little avail and in the blink of an eye they were both drowning unable to hold each other up. How much this resembles our Christian walk. We can jump into our Heavenly Father's arm safe and secure because He is strong, powerful, and bigger than the deep water. But we either become overconfident in what we think is our own ability or we trust something else that seems well-meaning, safe and capable. Quickly we realize it can't keep us afloat in the turbulent and deep waters of life, we need to be saved. Money can't keep us afloat, beauty has failed me long ago, even our family and friends, as loving and good intentioned as they are can't keep us from going under in the deep end. Only our Heavenly Father who is bigger than the deep end can catch us, keep us a float even after we've bobbed under, set us back on solid ground and save us when we jump in after the wrong safety net. Fortunately my keen lifeguarding skills acquired in highschool allowed me to react in time to heroically save them both. The hotel pool video may reveal more of the truth that I actually screamed like a high school girl and flailed through the water to almost drown myself trying to keep them up. Hmm, maybe there is a lesson there too. Well I better not stretch the analogy too far. Hopefully you get my drift. Only God saves.
So that is my lead in to Psalm 3. From God alone comes deliverance from life's problems. There is no reason for anxiety when you cry to the Lord for help.
Psalm 3 Questions:
1. What enemies or trials do you face today? Who is enemy #1 in your life? Is it fear of others opinion of you, or not having enough money, or is their a physical problem plaguing you?
2. What are the things the world trusts in? Do you rely on other things other than God to deliver you from problems? Is it your credit card, technology, friends, self-help books, or your good looks?
3. Can you recall an instance in your life that enemies/problems gathered around you? How did the Lord put a shield around you, bestow glory on you or lift your head in encouragement? When you thank him for providing for you yesterday it builds faith in Him for tomorrow.
4. Do you cry aloud to God or man? Who is the first one to hear your complaints? God or your husband, mom, friend, mentor, or pastor?
5. What do you think about lying in bed at night? Are you worrying or praying? Are you reviewing those that wronged you or are you seeking forgiveness for those you wronged? Are you praising Him for today or planning your own agenda for tomorrow?
6. Do you wait for the Lord to deliver you? Or do you think justice must be a matter taken into your own hands?

Psalm 2 Predictions of Jesus's rule

We can either run from God or towards him. Even though the old testament was written before Jesus was incarnate, the whole Bible is all about Jesus's purpose to save the world. Psalm 2 decrees the coming Anointed One who has been chosen by God to be the ultimate judge. God will give all people to Christ as either an inheritance or they will be destroyed like smashed pottery. Verse 10 begins the warning to the wise. Take refuge in him.

Psalm 2 Questions:
1. What area of your life has not fallen under submission to the Lord's rule?
2. Do you recognize your power comes from God and should be used for His purposes or do you want to live out areas in your life by your own design or continue to take credit for a talent or gift He has given you?
3.In verse 11, what does it mean to serve the Lord with fear, to rejoice with trembling? How can you serve Him that way today?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Psalm 1 Questions:

1. What type of people does it warn not to walk, sit or stand with? Where do you get your advice for living? Where do you turn first when a problem or choice arises? What is the danger of sitting with mockers/teasers?
2. In verse 3, Does "delightful" describe your devoted time to His law? What is so "delightful" about meditating on a set a rules?
3. What would your life look like is someone could say of you, "She meditates day and night on God's law". Would it mean less time on the phone, email, facebook? Would it mean your Bible was left open and in a prominent place in your home to return to periodically? Would it mean memorizing scripture or putting verses in key places in your home? Would it mean turning the channel on the radio and TV? Is your time with God delightful or does it get checked off the to-do list? How will you expand your meditation on God's law?
4. Physically we are made up primarily of water. Every living thing is dependent on it. Spiritually and emotionally we also thirst. What is your source for quenching your spiritual and emotional thirsts? Do you plant yourself near the Lord, constantly drawing from His Spirit or do you just want a watering when you are in trouble and need help? A dehydrated plant takes longer to recover and is not able to flower or produce fruit as easily with a constant source of water. Additional reading: John 4:1-26. The Samaritan Woman at the Well.
5. What does prosperity mean in verse 3? What does it mean to prosper by God's standards?
6. In verse 6, Which way/path will you take?

Psalm 1 - To Be or Not to Be

Shakespeare wasn't the first to pen this age old question. The Anonymous writer of the first Psalm contrasts the life of Godly person with that of the wicked drawing a line in the sand giving the readers a choice for their life: it is God's way or the wrong way? It was in this very first psalm I was given confirmation to go this path of starting up this summer study. The path of personal quiet time with the Lord looked a little easier than hosting women and children each week into my half unpacked home. Lord, I don't have a patio or patio furniture let alone the skills to lead. I know God is a patient God but I am pretty sure He may have rolled his eyes at my excuse. I had lots of excuses but no good reason to refuse this opportunity to host a summer study in my home. Psalm 1:3 says of the righteous, "He is like a tree planted by streams of water which yields fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." So I want that, I wanted to be planted by the streams of water, living a Spirit filled life, constantly drawing from His love explained to me in his love letter of the Bible. I want to yield fruit for His kingdom, I don't want to wither from being away from Him and His word this summer, and of course I want to be prosperous. Surely I can do this alone I figured. Until I contemplated the fruit aspect. Even self-pollinating fruit yields better with other trees around, most fruit trees need at least one other of its kind around to pollinate and produce fruit. What is the point of a healthy well watered, non withered fruit tree if it can't produce fruit because it isolated itself? So that is what Wednesday mornings are going to be about. Just a couple fruit trees who've been well watered by spending personal time with God ever day studying the psalms coming together to pollinate insights and struggles from the study to help us grow better fruit to serve the kingdom of God. If we stay rooted in Him, the very source of life, we will prosper and it will help keep us off a path of destruction.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer of Psalms

Starting Wednesday June 15, Jesse Prentiss & Didi Coleman will be hosting a Bible Study for the Book of Psalms in (primarily) Jesse's backyard from 8:30-9:30 am. We will meet every week for 10 weeks. Put your calculators away, that is 15 psalms a week. I will post questions for each psalm on this blog that we will review each week. Breakfast with be served in the backyard for the kids with a babysitter supervising free play. Coffee pot will be on for us. I hope you will join us for an informal but focused study at this beautiful collection of poetry that will teach us more about the character of God and how to worship him more sincerely. More details will be posted soon.