Saturday, August 27, 2011

Psalm 140 - head games

If we turn to the Lord and trust in Him for help, He will protect us from the trouble makers in our life. I had taken my son Wes to play laser tag and he was very excited, got geared up and disappeared into the playing field. I had gone in geared up too to help my daughter so we were all engaged in the battle. I continued to notice my son getting ganged up on by a group of boys and then it started to come to pushes and harsh words. As a mother and the only adult in the situation I easily could have come in and scolded the boys and broke it up or I could have just removed Wes from the room itself. Instead I shot all the boys from my sniper vantage point and they dispersed under fire. I kept a distance but always a view of Wes so when the trouble makers came back to gather around him I could fire on them and render their guns useless. Insert evil laugh here. Mhuaa ha ha! Come to find out at the end of the round Wes had not detached his gun from his vest properly and was at a major disadvantage trying to shoot. But isn't this so true of us in the world. We enter into the battles of life thinking we know what we are doing. But if our weapon is not detached, aimed, and fully functioning we are at the disadvantage. The word of God, the Bible, His very words to us are our weapons but so often we keep our Bibles tucked on our shelves or we spend time reading a book about what someone else thinks of the Bible instead of reading it and arming ourselves with its words. Verse 7 says "O Sovereign Lord, my strong deliverer, who shields my head in the day of battle," shows that we will be engaged in battle, not removed from it. But He will shield our head, our minds are where most of the battles are fought. Should I do this or not, should I say this or not, I wonder if this or that. Our heads spin with decisions but God can keep our minds sharp, focused and shielded from the enemies attempts to confuse and tempt. But to do this we must be in the Word learning his laws and ways so we know how to follow him. Will you turn to the Lord and trust in Him for help to protect you from the trouble makers in your life today?

1 comment:

  1. Love it :) Love the secret protection you offered as a Mom. Just like God secretly protects us all the time.
