Thursday, August 18, 2011

Psalm 128 - Fruitful

I visited my friend's gorgeous garden this past weekend. Her plot is 5 times the size of mine. Her husband has provided the means for them to have a large place in the country that has a perfect plot location for a large successful garden. My husband bought me a plot in the community garden where I am limited by the club's rules and regulations. Psalm 128 is a marriage prayer and it tells the husband that he will eat the fruit of his labor, that blessings and prosperity will be his. Then the next verse references his wife, that she will be like a fruitful vine within the house. To me this tells me that a man works and enjoys his wife's efforts. And a wife is to produce with what she has been given by her husband. So back to the gardens. It isn't fair to look jealously at my friends garden and make excuses that if I only had what she had then I would have better tomatoes and room to plant potatoes. If only my husband could provide me a place in the country I could have a better garden, if only my husband could make more money then I would have a nicer things to give to others and my kids, if only he'd clean up after himself I could spend more time reading my bible and not cleaning, if only my husband got a better job I could stay home with the kids, if only he would tell me he loved me more I would be able to sleep with him more, if only if only if only then I'd..... We are not limited by our husbands, it is a two way street, a dependent relationship. He labors, we produce fruit from his labor, he eats of it and is blessed and becomes more prosperous. But we get stuck comparing ourselves to other wives or worse our husbands to other husbands and limit our production or worse yet, try to labor ourselves for our own fruits. When we hoard our resources, time, energy, and finances from our husbands we aren't working in relationship we are working against it. Stop complaining that he isn't everything you wish he was and start praying you can be the fruitful vine God has intended you to be. Ask God to show you how to use the means He's given you through your husband to bless your husband and serve him. I know my husband is a happier camper when he is well fed, he needs spiritual and emotional nourishment from me too. Think through some of the things you need to be a fruitful vine and what the practical application is to your life. A fruitful vine needs to be well rooted in fertile soil, watered, enough sunlight, something strong to climb, pruning, and protection against pest and disease.

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