Monday, August 29, 2011

Psalm 139 You are a present

Psalm 139 is a self-esteem booster. To know that our heavenly father is "intimately acquainted with all my ways." Or is that a scary thought to you? Do you not want to be revealed from the inside out?
My older son Jonah has the best questions that really get you thinking. A lot of times I just have to say "I don't know!" Because I really don't. I love to talk about God with him and see his little mind reeling...and learn from his innocent and child-like questions. One day he was asking "how does God know all the people in the whole world and how does he know what we are saying and thinking." Pretty profound--and only faith can help you understand that. But I like to think of how I am as a mother--I know my children. I watched them under ultrasound grow and form. I saw their tiny hearts beating when they were only the size of a grain of rice. I see them when they rise and when they go down. I know their thoughts because I listen to them. I know that God is like a mother--because he created mothers. I'm sure this part of us is likened to being "made in his image." And to think that the God of the universe created me and knows me AND knows you...and you...and you. Amazing.
As I mentioned before I have been reading "Heaven is For Real" and it has really put the gospel, worship songs, eternity, life after death--everything!...into a clear picture for me. I know that it is written from a 4-year-old perspective--and perhaps that is why I trust it even more. I know my 4-year-old doesn't make things up or embellish a story--I don't think he knows how to. (perhaps b/c he hasn't learned to yet!) But one of the stories was how Colton (the 4-year-old) met his sister in heaven. Not his older sister--but his younger sister...that was never born. His Mom miscarried at about 8 weeks and Colton was young enough (around 3) to not really know or be involved in the details of the miscarriage. (unfortunately, I know this a little all too well!) But Colton came back from heaven talking about how met his sister, what she looked like and how they spent time together. AMAZING! You have to read it to believe it--but I like to believe that psalm 139 is talking about all of us--whether we made it to earth or not. God knows us and created us and loves us! Colton also came back from heaven talking more about one thing then anything else--How much Jesus loves the children. He would just keep saying "Dad, Jesus loves the kids." Even if one day they realize some of the story was fabricated--I still like to believe the stories he shared about Jesus. Because--they line up with the gospel message.
So today--be okay with who you are--because God created you and knows you and LOVES YOU. He wanted you here on earth, today...for a reason. Take this moment and day as a present from Him.

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