Monday, August 1, 2011

Psalm 100 - Who why the whats with

The who is why we do the whats with the withs because the who is so worthy of the whats with. Let me expand. God is the who: He is Lord, He made us, we are His people, we are His sheep of His pasture, He is good, His love endures forever, His faithfulness continues through all generations. This is why we do the whats. The whats are: shout, worship, come before, know, enter, give thanks and praise. We are suppose to do these whats with the withs. The withs are: with gladness, with joyful songs, with thanksgiving and with praise. So why is this important to you? What will you do with it today? With what kind of heart will you worship with? What will you do to know Him more today? How will you introduce Him to others?

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