Sunday, August 21, 2011

Psalm 136 - thankfully endured

Not much lasts these days, in fact our culture has gotten very fast and disposable. We want it now but for cheap and we want to be able to throw it out and start all over again next season when the trend changes. But there is something that lasts, it is the reason we were created, it has sustained humanity for centuries and it is what will last to the end of the age. God's love. It doesn't just last, it endures. It is a gritty word that implies it has been through the trenches and fights for us. His Love sees us through the thick and thin, protects us, and even remains when we reject it. Psalm 136 lists the things to be thankful for because of God's faithful enduring love. Verses 1-3 speaks of His very character, his goodness and his power above all other things. Verse 4-9 thank God for His great wonders, creation, and the purpose and order it all contains. Verses 10-15 recount God's deliverance of His people from Egypt and praise His power over nations and nature. Verses 16-22 express gratitude for Gods leadership in troubles, victory over enemies and rewards received. The chapter wraps us with praising God for remembering humanities weaknesses, giving them freedom from their enemies, and providing for our every need. Take a moment to account your our own testimony of God's love in your life. Praise Him for who He is and what He has done in your life. Thank him for the salvation from our own captivity and slavery to sin, for the deserts in your life, for the victory of His son Jesus in your life, and the provisions He makes for you. Remember the times you were unfaithful to Him and praise Him for his enduring faithfulness and love. How will you express your gratitude today? Who is God calling you to love with an endurance like His?

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