Friday, August 19, 2011

Psalm 132 - dwelling place

Psalm 132 has some wonderful promises in it including the promise to David that his family would rule forever. That came true hundreds of years later when Jesus who was a descendant of David came to earth as fully man and fully God, conquering sin and death, was resurrected and raised to sit on the right hand of God. He will come again to fully eliminate sin and death and rule those who put their faith in Him with peace and love. In the old covenant/testament God's spirit would come and go. In the new covenant/testament we are given the Holy Spirit as a gift and seal of our salvation through Jesus. Old Testament God's spirit would dwell in Zion, the mountain that Jerusalem and the temple were built. Now God's Holy Spirit dwells in us. So these "I will" Old Testament promises God makes can also teach us what it is like to live with the Spirit in us. These are kind of like what the New Testament explains about the fruit of the Spirit. Starting in verse 13, God chooses where He will dwell as He chooses us. We aren't anything special and Zion wasn't either, it became special because God chose it. He makes it his resting place forever. When we receive God's Spirit after confession of our sins and submission to His son's Lordship so we receive the Holy Spirit that will never leave us no matter how many times we fail Him. Next it says He sits enthroned. That means He rules your life without contention. He shouldn't be up out of his throne wrestling you for control. Verse 15 says we will be blessed with abundant provisions and the poor will be satisfied with food. Not only our our needs met but we are given abundantly more. He lavishes us but we aren't given abundant provisions so we can use them for our own benefit. He created us as relational community beings, we are suppose to help one another with what we have been given. We make up the slack for each other, we have different gifts that are suppose to contribute to the body. I get thrilled when I find a forgotten $20 in a coat pocket, but maybe that wasn't found again so I could go buy a latte and magazine. Maybe it was to buy a friend who needs to talk a latte too or for the guy behind you in line or maybe you could put it anonymously in a single mom's mailbox with an encouraging note. My point is ask yourself if your gifts and abundance is it for you or could it be used to glorify God or for someone else to feel God's love through you. Verse 16 talks of being clothed in salvation. Clothing protects us and equips us for situations and tasks. You don't wear a summer dress in a snow storm. You put on a paint shirt to do art projects and you need camouflage to go hunting. God's salvation can see us through anything that comes our way, it changes, like clothing to prepare us and equip us for what is at hand. Lastly, we are always able sing for joy. No matter what, no matter how bad, with God's Spirit we can sing for joy. We might not be happy, we might be in some pretty thick doo doo but as we learn to trust him and give control to him we learn to sing in the good times and seemingly bad times. When we know he is in charge of the bad times and caused them and uses them for good, we can have joy. This isn't easy and we never can accomplish these things without God's Spirit in us. Will you take a moment to ask God to renew His Spirit within you? Have you received His Spirit by accepting His gift of salvation through His son Jesus's death on the cross? Why or why not?

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