Thursday, August 11, 2011

Psalm 120 & 122- Inside out

God can help you deal with liars and arguers and to live peacefully among the fighters in your life. Do you have those people in your life, that just always have to be right. Are you one of them? I have several that just argue to argue and they truly enjoy debate. Brooke, my four-year-old, will refuse to acknowledge that the sky is blue, she would argue it was red until she was blue in the face. We live in a world full of lying lips and deceitful tongues that tell us we need this, that these are cool, and that is how you should make your decisions in life. How do we live at peace when so many things around us are ready for war? God promises He will fight on our behalf and we have to be confident in that promise because we may not see justice served in our lifetime. When we turn to Psalm 122 we see that there is peace within God's walls and that those who love the Lord will be secure. 122:8 says "Peace be withIN you". We may not experience peace in out outward circumstances but we are reassured of a peace that will be with in us. His love in connection with His power should make us secure in any circumstance and allow us to be at peace with whatever comes our way, knowing it will be for His glory and our prosperity. What areas of your life make you feel anxious about the outcome? Circumstances usually take a lot longer to change than an attitude. Pray for a change of heart and an inside of peace, then you will see the outside things change.

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