Friday, August 12, 2011

Psalm 124 - snares

Snare traps are usually used for smaller animals like birds, squirrels, and the like. Some are designed to kill but most are just designed to catch the animal so the hunter can determine if it will be released or used for food. Most traps work to catch a neck or a leg with a noose that is tied down. The best place to put traps is by a food or water source or a creatures home. Baiting a trap is even more effective because it lures it close instead of just hoping it comes near by. Of course you use bait that the creature is familiar with and is alluring. Oh such is sin in our life. Most of the time it isn't going to kill us right away but it will certainly trap us. It hangs out by our homes and the areas we most go. It lures us with things we like or think we need. But once we are hooked we are done for. We might not even realize we are trapped as we sit eating the bait meanwhile our foot is in a noose. One we realize we are caught the harder we pull the tighter it gets. Creatures may even gnaw off their own leg for freedom but this psalm assures us the the Lord will break the trap and set us free if we go to Him for salvation. So often we would rather try to get ourselves out of trouble but it is so much better and healthier to have God remove us from snares. We will become injured and exhausted and risk our own life trying to free ourselves. Verse 8 says our hope is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. How does this give you hope in your circumstances? Why does the fact that He is Creator give you courage and confidence to ask His help to be freed instead of trying to do it yourself? Stop chewing and start praying for freedom from the snares of your life.

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