Sunday, June 19, 2011

Psalm 9 - What is in a name?

Hello my name is Jesse. My birth certificate reveals my legal name is Jessalynn but I only hear that when I am in trouble or from a telemarketer. My dad calls me Princess. My mom nicknamed me Messy Jessy. Married I am called Baby, Toots, and My Woman. I am called Mom by my two kids and sometimes it is a shrill whiney moooommmmmaaaa when someone is tired. I have lots of names that different people use that are associated with my different roles. You can discern my dad cherishes me, my lack of cleanliness frustrated my mom and that my husband and I are playful. There are a lot of Jesse's out there and if you don't have a relationship with me or spend time with me, my name just becomes identification. Throughout scriptures God is given many names to try to reveal the many facets to his character. Verse 10 says that those who know your name can trust you. There is power in his name, it is a name above all other names, it can be called on and praised. Do you seek the Lord and to know his many names and how they can deepen your relationship with Him? Have you been journalling a list of God's names and what they mean to you?
Psalm 9 Questions -
1. What part of your heart is broken and not able to praise Him? Do you feel that there is an injustice in your life or an area God has forgotten?
2. Who have you shared his wonders with today? Review your conversations with people, your kids, husband, family, clerk at the store, bank teller and friends, do you point people to Jesus or yourself?
3. Is your life song singing God's praises or your own, your families, or your churches?
4. Do you really trust God as your judge or do you have to feel appreciated for all you do? Do you truly want God to be recognized and praised or do you want a piece of the glory?
5. How will you stand before God's throne of judgement? Are you still working on your righteousness or have you exchanged yours for Christ's? Consider accepting Christ's free gift of salvation today. If you have, thank Him.
6. What troubles to you face? What is opposing you? What would it mean for that situation to seek refuge in God?
7. Why is it important to know the names of God? What does it mean not to be forsaken by the Lord? What does it mean to seek Him?
8. What is your prayer's motive? Is it to relieve our pain and get back to an easy life or is it to have a testimony of God's glory and transformation in our life?
9. How has our nation forgotten God? How can you remind them?
10. God does not forget the needy. Do we? How can you meet a need for someone today? Pray for eyes to see the opportunity then give Him the glory.
11. (V20) Should we pray for disaster? Why or why not?

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