Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Psalm 24 - Idol break

Sorry for the absence, I've been busy worshipping my idol. I have been devoting time to it, worrying about it, even praying for it not to completely topple as God removes it from its throne in my life. As I studied this psalm I prayed verse 4. Lord, give me a clean hands, a pure heart and don't let me lift my soul to an idol. CRASH! literally. I shouldn't be surprised I had already been convicted not to spend time on Sunday's with my computer. That day is set aside for God and I knew I had a bad habit of spending too much time checking weather, facebook, email, and all the other things I am always checking in on. Ha, bad habit is just the politically correct word for idol these days. I confirmed I had a problem when I actually suffered withdrawal symptoms. Every time I walked through the kitchen I went to check it but then remembered it was crashed. I woke up in the morning and powered it on and tried to reboot again just in case it might maybe just possibly work then. I drove it a long distance to get it fixed, I've made deals with God, and I even told the Apple Genius I'd be praying for him. Yucky, I prayed not that this man may know the Lord better but that he'd fix my idol. Even as I justified needing my computer to keep up on the blog in order to spread the name and fame of God, the first thing I did when I got the computer back was check my facebook. ugh. I didn't seek His face I sought facebook. My computer isn't evil nor is spending time on it a sin. It became an idol because I was depending on it for things that come from the Lord and was spending time on it that belongs to God. Is there something in your life that is creeping in on the Lord's throne? Better crash your idol before it crashes you.
Psalm 24 Questions -
1. Do you look at other people, nature, your things, your time, your money, all things as God's possessions?
2. What idols are erected in your life? Fill in the blanks. If only I were _______. If only I had _______.
3. Do you receive your blessings from God or do you go after what you want. What is a blessing? Is they only good things that align with what you want or do your recognize trials and discipline as blessings?
4. God saves and vindicates. How does that give you comfort?
5. How does your generation seek Him? How can you support the movement towards Him?
6. The last 4 verses was part of a temple tradition symbolizing the people's desire to be in God's presence. Since the first coming of Christ where does the Spirit reside on earth now? How does this change your outlook on your life and your things?

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