Thursday, June 30, 2011

Psalm 32 - Secrets, secrets

"Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets hurt someone." This is a little poem I sing to the kids to encourage them to live their emotions out in the open. Secrets not only could hurt someone's feelings but a secret can hurt the keeper the most. When David kept a secret, an unconfessed sin, he felt as if his bones were wasting away. His internal support and strength was rotting away. He felt the weight of guilt and was sapped of strength like a day in the hot sun. If you have a secret that you are starting to crumble under the weight of, tell it to the Lord, take the steps to confess, seek forgiveness and repent. Maybe you aren't holding on to the big secrets but the little ones. Think of all the things you cover up. Zits, love handles, that your marriage is struggling, that you don't like someone in your social group, that your credit is maxed, that you yell at your kids when no one else is around, that your jealous of her house, husband, job, etc, or that you actually can't stand serving in the nursery but you don't want the other moms to think you don't help out. Little secrets left unconfessed can easily rot you from the inside out or cause big secrets to happen. Take a moment to inventory your secrets and confess them to the Lord. Pain is an indicator that something is wrong so welcome guilt before you get disciplined like an unruly horse who needs a bit and bridle to be guided. Psalm 32 gives very practical and proactive advice on how to stay protected from a secret's hold and to follow the ways of the Lord.
Psalm 32 Questions -
1. Are your sins forgiven and covered? Why can't sins just be forgiven, why do they have to be covered too?
2. Do you keep score when someone wrongs you? How many times does a friend have to tick you off before you write her off? Have you impatiently said stuff like, "if you do that one more time, how many times do I have to tell you?" How many times do you want God to cut you slack for a repeat offense? How many times to we offer that type of graciousness to others?
3. Why do you think David encourages the godly to pray before it is too late?
4. Do you have a decision to make? trick question, of course you do. We are constantly making decisions. In verse 8 God says I WILL instruct, teach, counsel and watch over you in the way you should go. That is a promise I WILL stand on!
5. God loves surrounds. Past, present and future. He goes ahead and he's got your back. How can you live more authentically with that type of love surrounding and protecting you? What secret can you trust to share with others knowing you are surrounded by His unfailing love and forgiveness?
6. In what situations do you think it is okay to only seek forgiveness from the Lord and not the victim of your offense?
7. Do you think it is better to torture yourself with a kept secret than hurt the victim of the offense with the truth?

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