Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Psalm 29 He Is Powerful!~

Sometimes I get so caught up in my own thoughts, problems, and issues. (OK, so not some of the about ALL of the time!) that I am not dwelling on God's majestic power. We just returned from North Carolina and if you've ever spent much time marveling at the ocean--you know it is powerful. Everyday it is different and the old saying "you never know what the tide brings in" is put into a picture. I can sit out at the beach and just do nothing but watch the waves roll in. "The Lord thunders over the mighty waters" vs. 3. Enjoying God's presence through nature is one of the mighty ways that God reveals himself to us. Spend some time awe of his creation and your problems may suddenly feel "small". Francis Chan in his book Crazy Love encourages us to "In all things let us bless the Lord". Psalm 29 is telling us that God is speaking to you-ARE YOU LISTENING?
1. Do we just pray for safety and blessings in our lives--or do we pray "In THIS, let me praise you?"
2. Do we only want God to answer our prayers in our "mapped out plan" or do we pray "In this storm, let me bless you?"
3. A dear friend just told me "It's HIS story". Can we trust that it's God's story and not our own?

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