Sunday, June 26, 2011

Psalm 22 - Give away the ending

My son Wes went to the movie theater to see the recent cartoon Gnomeo & Juliet with his cousins. He had seen it before with his grandparents, liked it and was willing to watch it again. At the scene when the young lovers relationship is revealed and the fight ensues and Gnomeo is thought to be smashed by a truck, Wes stood up and loudly announced to the theater audience,"He is not dead!" He continued to reassure everyone despite the attempts to shush him that this wasn't the end, it wasn't what they thought, there was hope, Gnomeo was still alive. If only my Christian testimony resembled this scenario more. I've read the Bible, I know what is happening, I know what is going to happen. I know that Jesus is not dead, He is alive and that should be shouted even if it interrupts people's lives. It is the Good News. We sometime treat the Gospel like a spoiler alert. But we need to give away the ending before it is too late for some of our friends and family. Psalm 22 is a prophesy of Christ's coming and suffering and victory. It explains that God is ruler over all things past, present and future. There is hope because He reveals the ending to us. That our suffering now isn't the end, that Christ hasn't gone away, that He will return and we will feast and worship and kneel before the Lord. Is there someone in your life you need to give away the ending to before the ending takes them away?
Psalm 22 Questions -
1. Is there a current problem that you need deliverance from? Recall situations in the past where He was faithful, trust Him with the future, and look for ways to share your testimony of God's glory in this situation.
2. Is there a parent or a spiritual mentor you could ask to give you their faith story or recall an instance in their walk where Christ was faithful to them?
3. Are you disappointed in something? Then your trust isn't in the Lord. Ask God how you can trust in him and not in the things of this world.
4. How does the world/friends/family mock your trust in God? How do you defend from such attacks?
5. How can a newborn baby give testimony to trusting in God?
6. Verses 12-13 & 16 Describe exterior attacks. V 19-21 are the prayers for deliverance from them. What does the sword, dog, oxen, and lion represent and how do they each overtake/kill their target?
7. Read the crucifixion accounts in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) to find parallels to this psalms description and Jesus's experience?
8. What does showing God honor and reverence look like in your life?
9. Are you actively listening for cries of help? Who is the "afflicted" in your sphere of influence? Do you dislike certain people or groups? Do you catch yourself making generalizations like "kids these day" "those moms" "the people that live over there."
10. How can we create a legacy where our hearts live forever?
11. All will bow before the Lord. How are you teaching your children now about being submissive to His authority? Are you modeling it?
12. How do you hope your kids will serve Him? What are you teaching them today to ensure those goals for the future?
13. How will future generations be told about the Lord? How are you part of passing the baton with your kids, other's kids? Is that particular kid driving you nuts: are you driving him away or driving him to the Lord?

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