Saturday, June 25, 2011

Psalm 20 - Wish me luck

I had a boyfriend in high school that was a baseball player. Baseball players can be very superstitious during their season. They all have their things they have to do before a game to ensure luck. And if they had a bad game it was the fault of one of their lucky charms not their athletic ability. I remember he slept with his bat, wore the same socks ever game without washing them, and had some necklace with magic powers or something ridiculous. But we all have ridiculous things we do or say before a big event in life. They are ridiculous because they hold no power. Saying good luck before a game, break a leg before a performance, or you can do it I believe in you might bolster a little confidence but all the hope in the world won't win a game, help you through that move to a new city or calm your nerves before surgery. Psalm 20 gives us an example of a battle cry that has power behind it. It calls on the Lord for His support, His strength, His success. It says that trust is not in man's capabilities and earthly things but only in the name and power of the Lord. So be it the first day of school, a presentation at work, or before a game, try calling on the Lord for his power instead of just wishing for some luck.
Psalm 20 Questions -
1. Who can you pray this psalm for today instead of wishing them luck on an upcoming event?
2. What does it mean to be given a desire of your heart? God is Holy so he can't co-exist with selfish desires. Do you think of God as a magic genie that will give you what you want if you rub him the right way and earn his favor?
3. What is success? What is your idea of success? What is God's idea of success?
4. Do you shout for joy when He makes you victorious? Is it out loud and audible to give him the glory or is it in your head so no one can decipher his glory from yours?
5. What would it mean to lift up your banner in His name? When is the last time you shared your testimony with someone? When was the last time you met someone new to share your testimony with?
6. Do we trust in man made and tangible earthly things or do we have enough faith to trust in the intangibles and in a name? What name of the Lord do you find trust and comfort in today?
7. Will you submit on your knees and depend on Him before He brings you to your knees? Will you give him the controls before you head into a tailspin and loose control?

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