Monday, June 20, 2011

Psalm 11 - On target

A bow and arrow is a deadly, long range weapon. It can't be used effectively in a close contact fight. Like the a modern day sniper, an archer could wait in a hiding place for the enemy to come in range to take a shot. The victim may not even see it coming before it hits. The Lord is our shield from such attacks and there is also some common sense we can use to stay away and guard our heart from piercing arrows. Verse 2 says that the arrows come out of the darkness and shoot at the upright in heart. An archer targets the heart and if he misses he hopes to at least get a vital organ surrounding the heart. So guard your heart and stay away from darkness. Guard your kids hearts and keep them from darkness. Examples may be that TV show that is okay to watch but a commercial could shoot them right in the heart by exposing them or desensitizing them. Or maybe it is that magazine you would never subscribe to but leaf through it in the check out, salon, or doctors office. Or the music you sometimes listen to, maybe it is only one lyric in the whole song that takes aim at undermining your marriage or promotes personal independence and freedom from responsibility or glamorizes the use of drugs or alcohol. Psalm 11 promises 2 things to the person that lives an upright life. 1- you will be shot at by the wicked (v2) and 2 -you will see God's face (v7). To see God's face is a target I will be aiming for today.
Psalm 11 Questions:
1. Do you run to God or away from God when life's problems arise? Who do you seek advice from? Where do you get help? Bank, Oprah, self-help books, friends, mom, husband?
2. What are the moral conditions of the world? Your country? Your community? Your home? Your heart?
3. What is violence? Where does it show up in your life?
4. V6 describes the punishment we deserve for our sins so it is what Christ endured on our behalf. That is the punishment our unsaved friends and family will endure. Who needs to hear about God's saving grace in your life today?
5. Do you really love justice? Are enforcing it in your home? Are you defending it in your community?
6. Good moral choices that align with God's standards don't earn our way to heaven but they will be rewarded. To see God's face, wow, I am in.

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