Monday, June 20, 2011

Psalm 13 - Wait for it

Especially in our instant, fast paced, drive thru window society it is hard to wait. I easily become agitated when I am forced to wait beyond what I expected. But if I am to really believe that God is in control of all things and his timing is perfect than why do I still tap my foot in line? We can trust in God's unfailing love when things persist longer than we would like, when answers seem forgotten or when time is running out. Another way God assures us of His faithfulness is through the gift of our long term memory. We can remember the past, when He was good to us and hindsight gives insight to His greater purposes for our lives. When exterior things attack or a battle rages in your head or heart try worshipping God for his past faithfulnesses and patiently wait in the promise of coming deliverance.
Psalm 13 - Questions
1. What does it mean to ask "give light to my eyes or I will sleep in death" in verse 3?
2. What area in your life do you find little hope in? Have you settled or given up on an area or are you still longing and requesting deliverance?
3. How does sorrow and salvation co-exist?
4. Where has God been faithful to you in the past? How does it give you hope for the future?

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