Wednesday, June 29, 2011

psalm 31 - Worthless Idols

Pastor Joe preaches often about idols. And it's probably because we are like dumb sheep who keep keep leaving the shepherd. We think it's better somewhere else or easier to trust another idol. When we put today's idols first in our lives, we cannot expect God's spirit to guide us. In Psalm 31 David is telling us that in times of stress--depending on God requires complete commitment. It may seem easier at first to turn to our idols such as friends, money, children, spouse, work, etc. But COMPLETE COMMITMENT....hmm. It's easy to be committed when life seems to be going our way. You might say or think, "sure, I'll trust God and not question him when he follows my ideas or I feel happy".
Maybe we all need to hand the reigns back over to God...on an hourly basis. How about letting God tell HIS story through you instead of you wanting to tell your own story? Vs.3 tells us that "since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. Psalm 31 is also a beautiful reminder that God is merciful and HE HEARS US! He hears our cries and groans for help...let's all put our idols away and turn our eyes and ears to the one who really listens.

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