Monday, October 3, 2011

Psalm 149 God enjoys us

As I am sitting her blogging I am hearing my husband eat cereal. Just one of my little pet peeves. Somehow he has a way of slurping the milk and crunching on the cereal so loud that I often exit the room as soon as cereal time comes. Love in my heart? No. Kindness? No. Ugh. My ugliness is revealed right after my devo time.
But Psalm 149 talks about God enjoying us. He delights in you and me. He doesn't care that we munch loudly or talk with our mouths open or leave the front door open time and time again. Or wear our shoes in the house, or stop abruptly at a stop sign, or wine and complain or am bitter towards a friend or lover. No--God delights in us. Not only delights--but enjoys us.
How can we praise him? Let's praise and thank him for loving us even though we can be evil people. We can praise him with dancing and singing...with music and with our mouths. Today with your kids you can turn on a praise song and sing a little louder. Our children make music all the time--why not turn that music over to praising our heavenly father? After all--HE ENJOYS YOU!!!

Psalm 147 Some trust in chariots--We trust in the Name of God

O the simple things that are so great. Our minds get so wrapped up in the day to day--that we forget the wonders of God. Psalm 147 is a sweet reminder that he calls the stars by name, covers the sky with clouds; supplies the earth with rain (even when we don't want anymore!) and makes the grass grow on the hills. He provides food for the cattle; spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes. He stirs up his breezes and the waters flow. He sends his commands to the earth!
But once again we are turned around by this next psalm. As humans we are attracted to the strong, the beautiful, the smart, the wealthy, the best car, fastest runner, most in get my point. But Psalm 147:10 says that "His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse nor his delight in the legs of man; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love."
So today--let's remember how great and powerful our God is. He blankets the grounds with snow and he delights in those that fear Him. Not in our careers, our pant size, or how disciplined we are. He delights when we fear him and put our hope in his unfailing love today. It's simple--let's put our hope in his love today. Let's fear him with our plans and efforts...and let them bless Him.

Psalm 145 God is good to us

The first Sunday of every month at Christ Community Chapel is communion Sunday. It is a sweet reminder to eat the body and taste the blood of Christ. My son has been sitting in "my class" he calls it lately--and it is difficult explaining that to him! Anyways, isn't amazing how once a month, 12 x a year we read the same passages of scripture, drink the same little cup of juice and munch on the same little cracker. But every time--I am reminded of what my savior did for me. Nothing that I have done--everything that he has done.
As Christians we often don't get the gospel. We are so wrapped up in our own muck that we miss out on the message of Christ. He is saying to us "I did it! I saved YOU". I don't have to go out and save myself. But I do need to remember.
The Bible is fresh and alive. Even though I take communion 12 x a year--I still am moved by the simple act of doing so.
Psalm 145:9 says that "The Lord is good to ALL." I have munched on this verse for awhile now (hence the reason I am so late in blogging!) I have just been thinking about all the times that I show favoritism or am partial towards someone or something. I choose favorites all the time. Whether it's a person or an activity or a friend--I am not always good to ALL. I need to be cleansed by this verse. And continue to feed it to myself.
Remember today that God's word is alive and living. Every morning when you pick it up--you can be reminded of what He has for you. Praise Him!