Monday, October 3, 2011

Psalm 147 Some trust in chariots--We trust in the Name of God

O the simple things that are so great. Our minds get so wrapped up in the day to day--that we forget the wonders of God. Psalm 147 is a sweet reminder that he calls the stars by name, covers the sky with clouds; supplies the earth with rain (even when we don't want anymore!) and makes the grass grow on the hills. He provides food for the cattle; spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes. He stirs up his breezes and the waters flow. He sends his commands to the earth!
But once again we are turned around by this next psalm. As humans we are attracted to the strong, the beautiful, the smart, the wealthy, the best car, fastest runner, most in get my point. But Psalm 147:10 says that "His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse nor his delight in the legs of man; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love."
So today--let's remember how great and powerful our God is. He blankets the grounds with snow and he delights in those that fear Him. Not in our careers, our pant size, or how disciplined we are. He delights when we fear him and put our hope in his unfailing love today. It's simple--let's put our hope in his love today. Let's fear him with our plans and efforts...and let them bless Him.

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