Monday, September 5, 2011

Psalm 141 Accepting the Oil

Are we open to hear what we need to work on? A lot of times my husband and I (in a semi-joking way...) will open this can of worms. Of course we love to throw in our snide comments throughout the weeks like "well...if you were more like this or that". But those little "picks" don't really make a difference. They just drain out the other person. But when we really sit down and have a heart-to-heart about what hurts our heart THEN change happens. When my husband and I sit down and truly express our heart needs to one another--change usually occurs from that. Verse 5 stuck out to me in this psalm..."Let a righteous man strike me--it is kindness.; Let him rebuke me--it is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it."
When we can listen to the words of a righteous man...and let the oil of their words sink in deep...we can hear their words as kindness to our soul.
*Who is speaking words of "kindness" to you today? A righteous man that you may see as rebuke at the moment--but really, it's kindness?!
*Are we strong enough to listen to this? Or do we shut down immediately and think "who do they think they are!"
No one wants to be around a critic--but we can all learn from the righteous men and women in our lives. I know I am often humbled by the ones in my life. And it is a GIFT to see it this way.

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